How to Build A Profitable Business On Social Media From Anywhere in The World 

Even if you have no social media following and no tech experience!

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What We'll Be Covering


How to Build a Brand & Biz With No Experience


How I Went From being stuck in an office for 8 hours a day to being able to travel While Working Remotely From My Laptop


The Exact Blueprint To Success Me & Many Others Have Implemented And How You Can Tap Into It Today

Who This is For:

    People who are burnt out from living like a robot and know that they are meant for more!

    Coachable people who are ready and motivated to take the steps towards a better, happier life!

Meet Your Host:

Ashley Krooks


Ashley is a  7-figure business owner, social media marketer and mentor.

She was able to travel to 65+ countries by the strategies implemented in this system!

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About Me:
Hi everyone! Im Carissa and I am making my dream of being free of a desk and travel the world instead come true, while helping other boss babes do the same! 
I always knew what I was going to do in life. Go to college, get a good job, retire and then enjoy my life. I did it. I went to college and got my degree and landed a job at my internship. So why was I so unhappy? I did what I thought I was supposed to, but I was so burnt out. I felt like a robot working for someone else. Being told what I can get paid and when I could and couldn't go on vacation.
 I didn't want to be unhappy and unfulfilled anymore, so I took a leap of faith and quit my job that had me feeling so dead inside. It felt amazing, but now what? Every job I came across sounded the same as the one I had before I quit.
Then, one day, I stumbled across an ad for this business that would allow me to be my own boss and work from anywhere in the world! I knew it was too good to pass up and that I was meant to find this and I have been so much happier ever since and actually LIVING my life!

Dont Just Take it From Me,

Hear What These Other Boss Ladies Have To Say For Themselves!

Ashley Krooks
Before working with this business model I was stuck. I would wake up each day with a pit in my stomach, dreading going into the office and knowing I was meant for more.
I was working in corporate feeling under appreciated, micromanaged, and unfulfilled. I wanted more than anything to have time, financial, and location freedom.
It was my dream to travel and work from anywhere. I never wanted to have to ask for time off or fight to have 2 weeks' vacation, that was never enough. I tried so many ways to work online but nothing seemed to check off all my boxes until I found this business.
Fast forward 4 years, my dreams have completely become my reality. I wake up each day and live it how I choose from wherever I am in the world. I’ve created a 7 figure business, retired my boyfriend from corporate America, and our home is the world.
We travel full-time while impacting thousands. Life is so much more than I could have ever imagined. We’ve been to 33 countries in the last 3 years and have no intention of stopping anytime soon.
I owe it all to this business model for truly giving me the tools, systems, and automations to make my dreams come true. I am forever grateful 
Kristen Braun
Hey ya’ll! Kristen here 
I’m a 24 year old who had a mid-life crisis at age 23.
I was the epitome of a cookie cutter lifestyle…
graduated college a semester early, had my big-girl job lined up, started working full-time TWO DAYS after graduating (seriously??), was engaged to be married, got a mortgage and a dog – peachy, right?
My life on paper was legit the American Dream, but it wasn’t MY American Dream. I started this business because nothing that a corporate job could offer me would fill the void I had.
I NEEDED location independence and time freedom (and to NEVER leave my pup again). I yearned to take trips on a whim, to hike on a random Tuesday, to explore the whole US in our RV with my husband and pup. And I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that until I retired in 40+ years… that wasn’t going to work for me.
Since starting my journey of Working Online I’ve changed so much in the best way possible. I’ve been able to quit my j.o.b., make more in a week than in a month at my j.o.b., moved to Mexico for a month, retire my husband from his j.o.b., and begin our RV trip across the states… all while my pup stays by my side the entire time 
I cannot imagine how differently my life would be right now if I didn’t take the leap of faith into this business opportunity! Thank you, thank you, thank you to my gut instinct!
Nicole Kiki Tonzanu
Before starting this business I felt stuck and unfulfilled. I was never the type of girl that wanted to follow the societal norm (college -> work -> marriage & so on…), and to be honest, I never did.
After high school I didn’t go to college, even tho my parents kept telling me I wouldn’t have a successful life without a degree... as anyone in my situation would, I felt ashamed at first & I started questioning my decision thinking that they were probably right.
How is it normal to feel like that when you’re 20 yo? Expected to know what you want to do with the rest of your life...
I knew I needed to find myself & my passions again and I knew I needed to leave Italy in order to do that.
And that’s exactly what I did, I left Italy to become an Au Pair in the USA.
I enjoyed every single minute of that experience, my passion for travel grew stronger day by day, but I still felt like something was missing.
I Needed A Change.
I started looking into the online world & even tho I found and tried so many things I knew nothing was going to support the lifestyle I was looking for.
I was pretty frustrated and skeptical at that point about the whole online thing, and I did what everyone in my situation would do, numb my mind in the endless social media scroll.
And, that’s when I stumbled across this business model, I took it as a sign as it presented itself in my life at the right time.
I Was In.
Fast forward to almost a year after taking the leap.. This business and community have completely changed my life, I’ve transformed my mindset & I was able to move to London without thinking twice.
I’m forever grateful for this opportunity & to be able to help others live their dream life.
Marissa Giunta
Hii friends! Let me start by saying 
 on deciding to start diving into creating the life YOU desire 
I was never the type of person that knew exactly what I wanted to do when I “grew up”. I went to college because that’s what was expected of me, but even after graduating, I still had no idea what I wanted.
HOW does any 23 year old know what they want for the next 45 years? They don’t!
I tried a ton of different paths, but wanted to use my degree SO badly, that I found myself in a career that not only made me miserable and Burnt Out, but had me crying every single day. I was 25 & there was NO way I was about to live this life for 40 years, just for retirement..
Sooo, I quit my job and 2 days later I found myself starting a career completely online. All of a sudden my passions became my brand & my brand became my business. I was able to be ME and live my ideal lifestyle. Not the lifestyle expected of me by others.
In the last 2 years I went from unfulfilled & confused about my future to confident, passionate and killin’ it online. ALL thru this opportunity!
I’ve been able to retire myself & my fiancé from corporate FOREVER, create a multiple 6 figure online business, and now travel around the U.S full time in our converted sprinter van with unlimited Time, Financial & Location Freedom!
I am forever grateful to have been given the opportunity to change my life & help so many others along the way!
Are you ready to take that leap that could change your life?
Watch our free masterclass video to learn even more about this amazing opportunity and how to get started!
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In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end only if you'd like help actually starting an social media business online. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don't want proceed with us? 100% yes. Some people will take this training, implement it by themselves, and see breakthrough. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but we hope that you'll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think!
DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information webinars get little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.